Saturday, August 4, 2007


My sissy in law let me borrow her fetoscope so I could start listening to the baby's heart beating. I was VERY was Halie. She couldn't wait to try it on herself and listen to her baby's heartbeat either! Fetoscope is not at all like a doppler...Not invasive at all. Midwives start using them at around 19 weeks and I of course thought it would work sooner for me but it didn't because...I'm no exception to the rule. I am 20 weeks now and I think I can hear something if it's really quiet in the room...which isn't often around here!

Here is me at 20 weeks pregnant! Not much change from last time, but I can definitely feel my little one moving around in there now! It's SO exciting :) I think I almost look smaller haha...must be the angle because I'm not shrinking any!


Cara said...

You look LOWER! But still beautiful! Aww, the pg woman glow... Halie looks cute with that fetoscope :)

Stefan said...

Hi Mallory, thought I'd say hello. I bookmarked this.

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