Sunday, September 30, 2007

My News

As you know, I had to have an ultra-sound to rule out any potential problems in my pregnancy as I was measuring big. Everything was fine just like I thought it would be, and we found out what we're having. We're having a boy! The ultra-sound tech said that they're wrong sometimes but she was pretty sure. I guess I don't feel so bad about getting rid of my baby clothes from Halie now :) Now hubby and I just have to come to a conclusion with names! That'll be tough because it was with Halie and I'm sure Ryan will be even more picky with a boy.

Today I am in my third trimester. Hooray for the home-run stretch! I'm so happy to be almost there because I'm really starting to get sick of being pregnant. At least the hot summer is over. That was no fun at all.

I wish I would've brought my camera with me when the family took a walk today. It is a beautiful day here in Shawmut. Hardly any wind, sun is shining and the temperature was just perfect. We walked a few properties over to a place I'd never been and the neighbors have some horses that were very happy to see humans...and Halie was happy to pet their noses. Next time I will have to bring the cam to capture Halie's excitement.

We're having beef stew for dinner and I'm getting hungry so I better go throw my biscuits together and chow down!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tea and Soup

Being pregnant, there's not much I can take in the way of medications for treating a cold or sickness. I just have to tough it out. I've had this cold going on for about a week and I'm just about sick of it, but I have this tea! Pregnancy tea! My momma sent it to me from California, and it's loose so I have to mix it myself but it's easy and soothing to my stuffy head. Plus, it'll help when I go into labor (so I've read) so that's good. Also, it's pretty tasty. You wouldn't think alfalfa would be that yummy, but in combination with red raspberry leaf and peppermint, it's great. Mild, calming and with a touch of honey, it hits the spot.

I've got chicken tortellini soup going on the stove right now. I'm looking forward to it with some biscuits and a family to share it with. Ryan has been working late the past few days so we might just have to chow down before he gets here, but Halie will gladly have a nice dinner and somewhat of a conversation over the dinner table with me. I have laundry to hang too, but the hubby has a bunch of stuff in my laundry area that makes it impossible for me to do it might just go in the dryer, which is just means more energy down the drain, and we're trying to conserve in every aspect of our lives right now.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today has been a somewhat non-productive day. I made an apple compote for breakfast and did a load of shop towel laundry for hubby but other than that...all my cleaning is done for the week (besides having to sweep hardwood floors everyday) and it's been pretty lazy around here for me and my girl.

The rain is pouring outside so we can't really go out, Ryan is in the shop organizing and cleaning so he's no fun ;) and so we're just kicking back and watching movies. Hopefully next weekend will be a little better weatherwise because we need to paint our midwive's house before the weather gets too bad...and you obviously can't paint in the rain, or if it's too cold.

As of today, I am 27 weeks pregnant. I can't believe in one more week I will be in my third trimester! I have to have an ultrasound because I am measuring a month too big so my midwife is concerned and wants to make sure everything is ok, which I'm sure it is. Ryan is convinced we're having twins because that would be "just his luck" as he says. That would be quite the task! So anyways, when I have my ultrasound in the next few weeks, I know my curiousity will take over and I will want to know what we're having. I want another girl but I could live with a boy too. Girls are just so pretty, clean and sweet. Who could resist? I love doing my girly's hair all up and putting cute girly outfits on her. Well, enough of that for now. I should get back to my movie with Halie bug.

Little Girl

Halie Karissa. My little girl, my little helper, my little friend. At two and half, she has so much to learn, but has already learned so much. I took some photographs of her yesterday to capture the little girl she is becoming and sent them out to everyone and their brother. Her hair is now past her shoulders (though pretty thin still) and her features are becoming more prounounced and grown up by the minute. Her independence has taken off and I can't decide if I appreciate it or fear it because I know the day will sneak up on me when she doesn't need mommy anymore.

We've been potty-training Halie now for a little over a month and I would consider her 'trained' except for nighttime. She's now in big girl underwear during the day, and pull-ups at night because I'm not quite comfortable with her sleeping through the night without an accident...but I'm confident I won't have to worry about diaper changing two kids when the little one is born because of how excited Halie is to use the potty. She always tells me when she has to go and can practically do it all by herself now. Even without a potty seat!

Yesterday we were watching a movie and Halie kept pointing to my tummy and informing me their was a baby inside. Right at that moment, the baby started moving all around so I took Halie's little pudgy hand and told her if she waited a minute, she could feel it. She didn't really understand when it happened that it was the baby, but she felt the movement. I think it's pretty difficult to expect a toddler to understand something they cannot see. She'll understand in a few short months when she's not the only child anymore. I'm a little concerned and scared, but people have been building families forever so I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle. I'm sure Halie will be a wonderful big sister as she is a very nurturing and sensitive little girl who is always looking out for everyone's well-being.