Thursday, June 5, 2008

Solids, Sitting up and Shawmut House

Katelynn is sitting up now! It goes by so much faster the second time...watching your child grow that is. Both my girls started sitting up around five months and it's such a proud feeling watching your children grow and reach all of their milestones accordingly. Crawling will be soon to follow I'm sure. Just seeing how happy my little baby gets when she looks up at me after I've set her down on the floor to sit, makes my heart melt. They're so precious.

Halie was never big on solids until around 9-10 months old it seems. Katelynn on the other hand has been snaring at whatever we're eating since she was about four months, so I started her on solids. The first few weeks, it was just a little bit of really runny cereal, but she gobbled it down. Today, we started sweet potatoes and she loves those. We're taking it slow, but if it were up to her, she'd be eating steak and potatoes I'm sure. Still nursing too. About every 3 hours. She's at the day care now, so I go nurse her when they call to say she's hungry and that way, I don't have to pump because MAN! Pumping is a pain when you're working practically full-time and still trying to maintain a household and be a good mommy and wife in your spare time.

Our house is really coming along. My hubby is pulling in a lot of extra side jobs right now so we're able to afford things we weren't planning on buying till next summer. It's great. I'm in a great spot right now. I love where we live, I have a few great friends that I've become close to, I'm discovering more about myself and my relationship with God and things are just really coming together for my family. I'm so blessed. My marriage has improved greatly since we've had less stress in our lives and are finally getting the ball rolling with our house.

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