Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Six weeks down...however long it takes, to go!

I'm almost to my 60 day mark of working out consistently, but just entering my fifth week of Weight Watchers. Before I started Weight Watchers, and was just exercising...but not watching what went into my mouth, I lost 6 pounds. Since beginning Weight Watchers, I have lost another almost 9 pounds!

This is the longest I have ever stuck with any program for weight loss, be it exercise or diet/nutrition...and it's still VERY hard at times! Especially when I make my yummy home made pizza with beer dough! You have no idea how hard it is to say to myself, No...I'm only going to eat ONE piece! Some days I fail miserably at counting my points and end up eating six cookies, but for the most part, I am good! Hey! I'm only human!

So far, I'm back into a size 12 pants (started at a 16!) and my goal is to get back into a 7 again. I know I can do it! I am a little worried about the extra skin that will be hanging around after I lose the weight, but it's better than all the extra fat hanging around. I only wish I had taken my first 'Before' picture so I could better see my progress.

Bottom line, Weight Watchers is showing me that losing weight and being healthy is not about's about consistency and lifestyle change! I can eat WHATEVER I want with Weight Watchers...but I just have to limit my portions (which seem like nothing sometimes). For example, I get to eat 24 points (I'm almost down to the next weight bracket...then I'll have to lower my points by 2!) plus 5 flex points a day (you get 35 a week which you can use all at once, or little by little. They DO NOT carry over). I could use my exercise points too, but I don't. If I choose to eat a giant bagel with cream cheese, some bacon and scrambled eggs...I just shot about 12 points on breakfast alone. Now, for the rest of the day...I'm going to eat like a bird, or eat too much and exceed my points. This is a 'typical' day for me, give or take!

1 Cup Bran Flakes with 1 T Honey and 1/2 Cup Skim milk
1 Banana
2 T Coffeemate creamer in my coffee
Total: 7 Points

1 can tuna, drained
1 T Mayonnaise
1 T Relish
1 Stalk Celery, chopped
1/4 Cup onion, chopped
2 Cups romaine
4 Saltine crackers
Total: 7 Points

2 homemade cookies, small
1 cup skim milk
Total: 5 points
(this is where I use my flex points...gotta have that treat!)

3 Ounce Chicken breast, baked and seasoned with Jonny's Seasoning Salt
2 Cups broccoli, steamed
Green salad beefed up with lots of veggies, squeezed orange, salt and pepper.
Some of my tasty beer bread! (1/8 of a loaf)
1 Cup of low-fat chocolate milk 3 points
Total: 10 points

Points for the Day: 24 + 5 Flex Points = 29!

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