Sunday, January 23, 2011

Silly Silly

While I was making lunch today, Halie asked me if my shirts would be old when I was old. Sometimes I wonder where kids get their questions, because they sure have a lot of them!

"Why Halie? Do you want them?" I said.

"Yes" said she.

She is so curious about EVERYTHING. A lot of questions are like, "why does the dog eat that way?" Generally I will say something to the tune of, "I don't know, I never asked."

The other day we went for a walk with my mom, and Halie told her, "I will hold your hand because you are old." My mom and I both started cracking up. I remember thinking that people my age were old, when I was Halie's age.

I love how my girls think that I am a "Good Cooker" too. The other night we had Chinese food that I most definitely did not prepare, and the girls both told me how I was a Good Cooker. I just smiled, and told them "Thank You."

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