Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hot Mama...literally

My pregnancy so far has been pretty easy to handle. A little fatigue, LOTS of morning sickness...even now at 18 weeks! And some growing pains. Not so bad though. This heat though, is making me one hot potato! I started waitressing at the steakhouse in Harlo last night and was finding that my legs were bothering me quite a bit. My belly is turning into a watermelon and my legs can't seem to support them. They can, it's just all that pressure on my lower extremities is hard to deal with. I now know what it's like to be pregnant in the summertime! I just feel bad for women like my sister in law who were full term during the summer months! I'm not even five months! Whew! The things us ladies have to deal with! :)

1 comment:

Cara said...

Soooo pretty! I love belly pictures! And you can drag and drop your 'page elements' if you don't want them to all be on the bottom ;)