Friday, July 20, 2007

How a see bye bye?

Baby jarble. My world revolves around that little language my two year old so frequently uses. Sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's annoying...but it's still baby jarble. "What doing?" she says as I type this. How does anything she says make sense? It doesn't always but it's starting to. I remember when Halie was first born. Oh how I feared her growing up too fast. I actually feared it. I sat there rocking my newborn baby practically in tears thinking about my cuddly newborn wrapped in pink growing into one of those terrible two year olds you read about in parenting magazines. Here we are! Two years later and you know what? I love her more every day and more than when she was a newbie. She never fails to make me smile unless of course her demons come out...and that happens at different times and intensities during the day, but I just deal with it and hope it isn't always this way. "Goo Moyning!" in the mornings is where it all begins. I go out and start making Daddy's lunch and Halie sits in her crib patiently waiting for Mommy to come get her up. We have our little conversation as I spread mayonnaise onto the bread and pack cookies and carrot sticks into little baggies for Daddy to take to work with him. "Eat pease?" We're working very hard to get her to start using good manners and asking for things with a please and always saying thank you when she recieves. It's working although not all the time. Breakfast comes and goes, I do my dishes and Halie usually is sitting on the couch reading her bunny book saying "Oh a bunny! Whats dat? Asa bunny?" She's quite the reader...and not a silent one either! The day passes quickly as we do dishes two more times, watch a bit of Veggie Tales and do our daily chores, take our naps and BOOM! It's time to fix dinner, take baths, read some more and go off to nighty night land. Thats when I get my break. Thats when silence sets in and I can really get my barrings back. 8 hours rest followed by another day in the life of Jibber Jabber central. Oh the life!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Aww, but she's so SWEET! I need a Halie fix, wanna see ya again soon :)