Friday, July 20, 2007


Summer here in Montana is great! Well....when you have air conditioning and a pool! I don't know, but I must be a difficult person to please because I curse the summer and I curse the winter! For different reasons of course but it's all one in the same. W-E-A-T-H-E-R. That sums it up. I hate hot and dry, sweat and not feeling clean after taking my daily shower. Oh but I am blessed! I have to say I don't know a lot of people my age who have what I have. 20 acres and a house with views that are incredible...especially at sunset. A beautiful two year old daughter who isn't the easiest person to raise in the world, but she keeps me on my toes. I have a wonderful husband who is my polar opposite but maybe thats why we love eachother so much. Well, back to summer. My house sits right on top of a hill where the sun gets pleasure in beating on the metal roof we have and heating up my house like a waffle machine. I swear I was dying last night! At around eleven o'clock last night, I awoke feeling like I was suffocating. It was dreadfully hot in my bedroom but Ryan didn't seem to notice as he was sleeping away while I ran around the house like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to find the stupid fan. Now, we have a fan on the ceiling but it just wasn't good enough last night. I've never been so over heated in my life and it kind of made me wonder if I was having a reaction to the tetanus shot I had the other day. One more thing to worry myself over! I guess the moral of the story is...I'm stuck with summer unless I crawl into a hole for three months out of the year for the rest of my life. That wouldn't make any sense though because honestly, summertime is one of the best seasons of the year. Fishing (watching my husband fish I mean), camping (while watching my husband chop fire wood ha ha) listening to the thunder roll in the evenings and watching the sky light up with lightning in the mountains and stepping on as many stupid grasshoppers as possible! :)

1 comment:

Cara said...

I'll be reminding you of this in February when it's -20 and 40 mph winds up on top of your hill!