Sunday, September 30, 2007

My News

As you know, I had to have an ultra-sound to rule out any potential problems in my pregnancy as I was measuring big. Everything was fine just like I thought it would be, and we found out what we're having. We're having a boy! The ultra-sound tech said that they're wrong sometimes but she was pretty sure. I guess I don't feel so bad about getting rid of my baby clothes from Halie now :) Now hubby and I just have to come to a conclusion with names! That'll be tough because it was with Halie and I'm sure Ryan will be even more picky with a boy.

Today I am in my third trimester. Hooray for the home-run stretch! I'm so happy to be almost there because I'm really starting to get sick of being pregnant. At least the hot summer is over. That was no fun at all.

I wish I would've brought my camera with me when the family took a walk today. It is a beautiful day here in Shawmut. Hardly any wind, sun is shining and the temperature was just perfect. We walked a few properties over to a place I'd never been and the neighbors have some horses that were very happy to see humans...and Halie was happy to pet their noses. Next time I will have to bring the cam to capture Halie's excitement.

We're having beef stew for dinner and I'm getting hungry so I better go throw my biscuits together and chow down!


Cara said...

Awww, my little nephew :) I love him so much!

Ojaian said...

Hi Mallory Marie Faus!

I liked reading your recent blog entries. Didn't know about the howlin' wind but it does spound like "Little House on the Prairie".

I can only relate to how you're feeling, now that you're full-term, after experiencing what your mom went through at the end of her pregnancies. I hope baby comes at a convenient time and that however you deliver, that you have as easy a time as can be had in such a state, and that your recovery is fast and easy.

Please give Baby #1 a big hug and all my best to you and Ryan.

I Love You So Much Mallory!!!


Maine mountain minis said...

Hi Mallory, Ryan and Halie and little one,

We will be thinking of you all and hope that your delivery is smooth uncomplicated and quick with your little angel being healthy and happy to be out in the big world. Love being able to see your pictures and entries. From an admiring auntie, Linda from Maine