Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tea and Soup

Being pregnant, there's not much I can take in the way of medications for treating a cold or sickness. I just have to tough it out. I've had this cold going on for about a week and I'm just about sick of it, but I have this tea! Pregnancy tea! My momma sent it to me from California, and it's loose so I have to mix it myself but it's easy and soothing to my stuffy head. Plus, it'll help when I go into labor (so I've read) so that's good. Also, it's pretty tasty. You wouldn't think alfalfa would be that yummy, but in combination with red raspberry leaf and peppermint, it's great. Mild, calming and with a touch of honey, it hits the spot.

I've got chicken tortellini soup going on the stove right now. I'm looking forward to it with some biscuits and a family to share it with. Ryan has been working late the past few days so we might just have to chow down before he gets here, but Halie will gladly have a nice dinner and somewhat of a conversation over the dinner table with me. I have laundry to hang too, but the hubby has a bunch of stuff in my laundry area that makes it impossible for me to do so...so it might just go in the dryer, which is fine...it just means more energy down the drain, and we're trying to conserve in every aspect of our lives right now.

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