Saturday, April 18, 2009

I took the girls to see a play at the elementary school in town today. The Missoula Children's Theater came to Harlowton to teach all the kids Robinson Crusoe in a week (five days actually), and then they got to preform today! Pretty good job for only having practiced for five days. Anyways, Halie loved it and Katelynn raised an eye-brow a couple times...but mainly stuck with flirting with the people behind us and shouting out baby words, with an occassional, embarrasing toot, followed by the words "Ki-Ki!", which means Stinky but I just let everyone else think she was saying Kitty. She likes to tell me all about her bodily functions...I wonder where she gets that (rolling my eyes)? "Poopf?" and "Ki-Ki" and "Ew". She's a hoot.

After we left the play, my friend and I took the girls to get a soft-serve (BAD Mallory!) and well, I haven't counted points since then today. I figure if I don't mess up every once in awhile, then I'm no longer human. It was good! I ended up finishing Halie's (Strike TWO!) because, she couldn't keep up and she kept getting brain freeze. She didn't seem to mind.

My hubby was searching the fridge and pantry for food when I got home, and so he sat down with a bowl of chips, and shared with the girls while I made dinner. We had Chicken, bacon, cheddar, burgers with honey mustard, shrooms and onions. I ate almost a whole sandwich (Strike THREE!).

Today was not a good day for Weight Watchers. Tomorrow is running, strength training and eating right! We're doing family pictures too!

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