Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have never had the patience that sewing requires a person to have...therefore, I always give up on whatever I'm doing before I should, or I just rush through it, mistakes and all...just so I can say I'm done with it.

Since I've been staying home, I've decided to pull the dusty sewing machine from in the closet, down...and really give it a shot. I've had to use my seam ripper a billion times, but I'm giving it my all! I'm working on a quilt for our bed right now, and have been having a hay day making handle holders for my cast-iron skillets.

I started with finished seams on my handle holders, but then decided I liked the unfinished edge look better. So here they are...really easy. But fun! And now I won't burn my hands when grabbing a hot handle!

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