Saturday, August 18, 2007

Something Different

OK, most of my posts (all 3 of them ha ha) have been about my pregnancy. Well...I was informed by my dad that not everyone likes reading about that all the time. In fact, after we got talking, he started telling me about how my mom used to have groups of women over to watch birth videos (while she was pregnant of course) and how they would all start crying and talking about childbirth being such a beautiful thing. So I guess I can see how after dealing with that three times, he could be burnt out. I will try and write about something different, although I don't have much of a brain right now. Oh how it cracks me up to think about my dad being exposed to a bunch of over emotional, pregnant women watching movies of childbirth. Enough of that.

How about mice? Well, we kill them around here because they are NASTY!!! Recently mouse traps stopped working so we got some poison and put it where no animals or rug rats could get to it. I think it has worked! I haven't found any mouse poop on my counters in about a week! Hallelujah! I went outside for a minute though, and found my dog playing with a dead RAT. Yes, rat. Something I thought we didn't have around here because in two years, we've never seen one or seen the leavings of one. How gross! I hope those things don't find their way into our home.

I'm so original...who ever thought I could write about a dead rat? :)


Cara said...

LOL! Gross. Sally got a rat last night too. Ick ick ick, I hate mice! Guess that's what we get for living in the sticks.

Gray Ol' Bird said...

We have those kind of things in California too! You let me know when you find the secret how to exterminate them successfully. Gray Ol' Bird